We put our fifthwheel into storage after moving out of it for the third time in a year. We then moved into the pickup camper with our stuff and cats. We did the transition at the Barnesville campground and that went smoothly.
Our idea is that we want to go with a minimal amount of stuff we think we will need. That way it would eliminate the moving of stuff from one camper to the next and vice versa. We hate to transfer everything back and forth all of the time. So if we figure we need something for this new camper we will just go ahead and buy it and keep it in that camper. Hopefully after this journey of discovery we will be able to move just our clothes and cats.
When we got to Barnesville we had to unhook the pickup camper because we still had to move the fifthwheel into storage. That went well. Then we had to get the pickup camper back in the pickup to move into Lisa's mother's driveway. That meant that we had to get the pickup camper back on to the truck. It took us 45 minutes to get that done. You really don't have a lot of room to work with when you are talking about sliding that thing into the back of the pickup. We are talking about an inch to inch and a half on each side of the box. Also trying to back in straight so that it doesn't scrape along the side rails. We finally got it on but then it wasn't square in the front. Ugh! So I went about halfway forward and then started over finally getting it. There will definately be a learning curve on this but we can do it. I hope to cut the time down to at least half of that with more practice.
So all in all we have gone from the dealer in Ham Lake Minnesota,
to Barnseville
and then to Fergus Falls.
We leave out of here on Sunday, scratch that, Monday, Tuesday at the latest for bigger and better destinations. I promise.