Sunday, October 13, 2024

Soup Trailer Wrap Up



Soup Season end.

The day has finally arrived. We had our last event of the season. We are done slinging soup and sandwiches. We started mid April and ended mid October. 80 events this year as opposed to 92 last year.

Now let me get into some numbers. There's not a day that goes by when I don't get a message from Harry. Always asking us how much soup we sold. If you ask him about it he will deny it. He is so obsessed with soup for some reason. In fact he messaged us saying that he had a great idea for soup. He thought it would be awesome if we could sell deep fried soup on a stick. What?! To which I had to ask if he had been talking to Jim. Jim's idea was to puree our meatball hoagie so that he could eat it like soup. Talk about a couple of weirdos.

So, the numbers. 2,925 transactions for 2024 versus 2,596 for 2023. 1,747 sandwiches for 2024 as opposed to 1,520 sandwiches in 2023. Now the soup totals. 803 12 oz. bowls of soup for 2024. Down a little from 2023 of 919 bowls. 75 gallons for 2024. 86 gallons for 2023.  8 oz. cups of soup. 674 in 2024 and 321 for 2023. That makes 42 gallons of soup compared to 2023's 20 gallons. This year we did soup/sandwich combos. That is why the cups were up. Plus for sandwiches you need to add 473 half sandwiches to the 1,747 full sandwiches. So in a nutshell, we sold 117 gallons of soup. Harry and Jim did not buy one ounce. I really don't know why they are so concerned about it.

We are so done for the season. As a sign from above, our trailer said that it was also done for the year. We were backing it into the barn when we noticed one tire going flat.

Luckily, we got it in the barn and will take care of it later. 

Something I would like to share from the other day. Minnesota has four seasons. Summer has ended now and fall is here and as always, the weather gets cooler. Don't get alarmed. It's not climate change as so many people try to scare you with. Actually it is, but our climate here changes 4 times a year.

Anyways, I walk into our new living room and it is kind of cool. I notice that Lisa has the window wide open. I also noticed that Lisa is sitting in her recliner dressed like this. She has on heavy duty hiking socks, leggings, a thermal long sleeve shirt, a hoody over that, and wrapped in a blanket. 

I said to her, "What are you doing?"

"I'm sitting on my heating pad because my back hurts" was her reply.

"Why's the window open?" I said. "It's cold in here".

To which she says this. "I'm hot."

So many things went through my mind. Like, take off the hoody? Take off the blanket? Turn down the heating pad? 

What are we going to do with all this free time now? We still have time to enjoy our property.

The fall colors are in full bloom right now. With fall we get a few nuisance insects. With cool nights and warm days these bugs are trying to get into warm places. Namely our house. One is Black flies.
These were trapped between the window and screen. I don't even know how they got in there. They will find their way into the house. At least once a day I will go around to all of the windows with the vacuum hose and suck them up. I have named this daily ritual "The Bug Suck".

The second annoying bug is the "Asian Beetle".

I hate those things with a passion. They seek out warm areas and right now the warmest thing around is our house. They are literally crawling all over the house trying to get in. Also, if you are outside trying to enjoy the last few warm days, the bugs crawl all over you. Now you are just supposed to brush them off because if you swat them, they emit a foul stench and leave an orange stain on your skin or clothes. But it is really hard not to swat them because those little b***ards bite. 

They are an invasive species now with very few predators. 

We will also have time to finish the house. We would surely like to get that done soon. So, more news after we decompress for awhile.