Saturday, October 26, 2024

More Tales from the SSUVFL


It is hard to believe that it has been two weeks since we closed down the food trailer for the season. It seems like ages since we were in there slinging soup like wild people. Lisa has been busy making plans for next season so that she has her ducks in a row when the shiitake mushrooms hit the fan. 

What have we done in the last fourteen days. For starters, Lisa made a list. We need to prioritize what needs to get done around here before the snow flies.

Everything above the black line are Lisa's jobs. Below that is mine. I ask you, whose list is longer and more complete? Normally I will start working on the list after I have finished my daily chores. Which are the dishes, laundry, make the bed and the million other things that make a house a home. So I have been a little busy. Where's Lisa you ask? Why isn't she helping me? Good questions. Lisa has decided to pursue her career in the Geriatric Arts. She decided to go back to her job for the winter at the local nursing home. Maybe she thinks that she will be better able to take care of me. I don't know. 

We also found time to watch the grandkids over the Columbus Day holiday.
Here they are scarfing down DQ Blizzards.

Back in my day, my brother, sister and I were lucky if we could split a Dilly bar three ways after we walked the 10 miles to the DQ in 100 degree heat, uphill, both ways. Kids these days. We had a fun sleepover and I made my famous popcorn from scratch. They call it "Pops corn". Get it? Because they call me Pop.

One day we drove to the megatropolis called Fargo for the youngest one's fifth birthday. 
The boys really like hockey so we all went to a Fargo Force hockey game.

It was our first game in that arena and it was fun to watch. Lots of stuff going on besides the game. It was a fun evening for sure.
On the cabin front. I made some doors. One door is for the closet that surrounds our circuit breaker box. That used to be out in the barn but now is in our family room. The other is a barn door for our bedroom.

I was also able to get the trim around the top of our ceiling in the bedroom along with the mirrors. (Just seeing if anyone has read this far. I really didn't put mirrors up on the ceiling. Yet.)

Here is the kitten segment. We have had the kitten for over a week now. She has settled down quite a bit. In fact, when you go to pick her up, she starts purring and snuggles right into your arms. Then she is sleeping in no time.

As of today we have named her Stinky. Because she still smells a little skunky, but with a face and personality that she has it's hard to keep calling her Stinky. So that may change. We have had her at the vet and they said that she was about 6 months old which is what we thought. In fact we just picked her up from the vet this morning after getting her spayed. She is doing fine and will get a lot of pampering now. 

On a personal note. Jim thinks that I am a dog hater. I wouldn't say that I hate dogs. If you were to ask me if I could have a dog or a cat, I would always choose the cat. I guess it's time to go outside and kick some puppies, according to Jim. LOL. JK. I am not going to kick puppies! 


  1. That does not look like a "barn" cat. Unless you take into consideration that that part of your house used to be your barn. Then maybe she is a barn cat.

    You and Harry, doe peas in a pod, coconspirators in your dog hating journey. Chapter 3 is well on its way....

    1. Doe peas in a pod. Is that some kind of SD hillybilly lingo that you espouse now? Maybe Barb needs to edit your responses first.

  2. Wow that’s quite the list, the different handwriting had me wondering if you added things to it after you completed them to make it look like your list was longer. Sight the rifle…. for example, isn’t really a chore, it’s more of an activity . The other thought I had while looking at the list is that maybe Lisa’s list is shorter because she has already completed many chores before making the list as a reminder to YOU of things that need accomplished while she is working.
    Looks like a great time with the Grands.
    Yes I read the ‘put the trim and mirrors on the ceiling’, I even grinned cause I didn’t see that on the list. lol.
    Glad the Kitty is settling in. Not everyone is a dog lover. I thought you were going say you were going outside to kick Jim. lol. That’s not on the list either. lol


    1. I will add stuff to the list and cross them off so that Lisa doesn't think that I just sat home and played video games or something like that. I have to earn my allowance.
