What a difference a week makes. Last week we were 20 below zero. Today we are at 46 and it looks like we will be in mild temps for the next two weeks. That's a 66 degree temperature swing. It sure does wonders for the attitude. We have to remind ourselves though that it is still February. You know what they say about March. I said to Lisa that we haven't had a blizzard yet this year. Knock on wood.
Back in the winter of 2019/2020, our last year on the road, we bought a Jeep Wrangler while we were in Pahrump, NV.
We bought it in Las Vegas. It was such a good deal we couldn't pass it up. This is our second Wrangler. Remember our first one, Lil' Blue. This one we named Smaug from "The Hobbit". Back in January we were traveling to the megatropolis of Fargo when all of a sudden it started the notorious "Death Wobble".
For those that don't know what that is, it's a violent shaking of the front wheels. When it happens at 70 miles an hour it is very scary. Don't worry though if you think it could all of a sudden happen to you. It's a Jeep thing. We got that fixed and it wasn't too costly of a repair. I think it was $250. So we are happy as little clams getting the Jeep back, until........
This latest Arctic cold spell hits. 20 below temps are just hard on vehicles anyways. We started noticing a puddle underneath it. I looked under the hood and it looked like it was coming from the power steering. Fluids at 20 below are just thick and they expand so I just thought it was from that. Lisa took it to work and on her way home the engine temp went way up and she wasn't getting any heat inside. Oh-oh. I told her to drive it to the dealer and I would meet her there. We told them the problem and there was also a grinding noise. To make a long story short, There were two radiator hoses that split, an oil leak and the rear differential needed to be rebuilt. They said we were lucky it didn't lock up on us and cause an accident. That was February 3rd. It's still in the shop.
I had back surgery in January. Before you say "OMG!" rush over here and drink our beer and eat our food, it was nothing serious. I just had a cyst removed from the middle of my back that was becoming annoying. I was starting to look like the hunch back of Notre Dame. It was about the size of a marble. Is that what they mean by the saying, "Growing old gracefully"?
I went to a dermatologist I have never been to. An older fellow. He examined me and made his recommendations. The next day I got on the computer to look at his report. At first he writes this: "This pleasant 60 year old man comes into dermatology here for the first time with two skin problems." Pleasant, he called me pleasant. I like this guy.
Farther down in the report he says this: "This well-developed, well-nourished 60 year old male..." Is that a polite way of saying I'm fat? What the heck? I don't like him any more. LOL.
After this last winter, we have been thinking about heading someplace warmer. So if any of our RV friends want to let us know where you will be, we will try not to go there. Especially Jethro and Bambi. Although I hear they may not be allowed back into the state we are thinking of going to. Something to do with the statute of limitations or something like that.
Stinky watching the snow melt.